Male gay flag color

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Lesbians (or anyone, really), GNC trans people, people who use the SAM, Neurogenders and neurorientations) pronoun noncomforming gays and I am fully supportive of allĪspec identities, “MOGAI” genders (including xenogenders, kingenders, I never want any of my flags being used to exclude part of the LGBTQAI+/MOGAI community. I am beyond pissed off at this, especially since I don’t remember anyone telling me it was stolen. Transphobes to exclude trans and nonbinary gay men. Also, it seems like it’s been co-opted by truscum and

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Wording it in a way that made people think it was made by them (andĪlso “official”). Mod Hermy of the Pride-Flags Deviantart here: I just found out during my hiatus from this blog that there’s been a lot of discourse surrounding this flag that I helped make.ĪPPARENTLY some truscum/transmed took this flag and reuploaded it (that got 8.2k notes vs the 9 notes my original post has),

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